Summer 1996
Note from the Editors:
The third issue of Critical Planning is the product of a rewarding collaboration among a great number of students in the Department of Urban Planning at UCLA. With the assistance of over twenty graduate students, and submissions from another twenty-five students and alumni, we now feel comfortable calling ourselves, after three years of existence, a journal representative of the myriad interests of the urban planning community at UCLA. And what a collection of interests it is. Articles in this issue cover topics as diverse as transportation policy, domestic and international housing policy, community and regional development and environmental planning. Despite the range of topics, however, the majority of papers are united by a common theme—the relationship between urban planning and the politics of race, ethnicity, gender and class. UCLA is situated in one of the world’s most pluralistic cities, at the forefront of grappling with attempts to create an environment that moves beyond merely accommodating the diverse demands placed on Los Angeles’ physical, social, economic and political infrastructure. Given this, members of the planning community at UCLA would be remiss not to place these concerns at the core of their thoughts and actions.
We hope that future issues of Critical Planning will continue to explore the very complex dynamics of life in the modern—and/also at times postmodern—city. As the Department of Urban Planning continues to carve out its role in the new School of Public Policy and Social Research, it will be the responsibility of student, faculty, and alumni to continue the commitment to social justice.
Liette Gilbert
Mirle Rabinowitz Bussell
Click here for full PDF of Vol. 3
Table of Contents:
The Evolution of the Faith-Based Development Movement in Los Angeles
Lezlee Hinesmon-Matthews
The Invisibility of America's Native Communities: Absent in Theory, Excluded in Practice
Craig S. Keys and Kacy A. Collons
The State They're In: How National Institutions Influence the Development of Local Industrial Districts
Rachel N. Weber
Impacts of Planning and Building Regulations on the Provision of Low-Income Urban Housing in Kenya
Dafton G. Njuguna
The Capabilities of a Bus that Can't Turn and an Alternative Vision: Rail Transit's Role in the Future of Los Angeles
Ryan Snyder
The Evolution of LA Broadway
Kyle Ko and Francisco Shinseki
The History of Residential Segregation in the United States and Title VIII
Teron McGrew
Analyze, Criticize, Mobilize, Energize: Planning Tasks after the Los Angeles Rebellion
Hany Khalil
Planning in the Multicultural City: Postmodernity and the Acknowledgement of Difference
Gene J. Kim
Hanoi: A Night at the Races or Symbolic Acts of Collective Insurgency and Defiance of Authority with a Chance to Win a Free Motorbike
Michael diGregorio
Book Review: Capitales Fatales
Neil Brenner
Symposium Review: Planning and the Rise of Civil Society
Kathleen Lee and Gail Sansbury
Martin Wachs Leaves UCLA
Brian D. Taylor
Letter to Leonie Sandercock
Ferrucio Trabalzi
John Friedmann